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Is Chat-GPT stealing recruitment jobs?

Even when I'm summarizing all of this in an article - it's still strange - it's not a person talking with you.

If you have a Linkedin account or any other social account you have probably already heard about one magical tool - ChatGPT. Yes, I've heard it too. But as usual, I was waiting for it to die out in 24 or maybe 48 hours. You know, like other previous attempts on the chatbots - Microsoft's Tay or Luda Lee. They were quickly removed just because they faced humanity and became racist and homophobic very quickly. But apparently not this time. They have learned from others' mistakes and put some safety features in them.

Anyway, while everyone is talking about how this bot will replace all of us shortly, I had to see it. Raise your hands for those in the recruitment industry who are getting some kind of "Deja Vu" feeling on this...

After a couple of hours of trying to create an account, and scepticism I got it in my hands. Decided to go slow on it and try with a couple of simple questions.

I've got pretty decent results, and what seems not entirely copy/paste from wiki or other sources. I've checked its answers on various search engines. They seem to be unique enough and not just scraped from some page. My curiosity started to rise...

To its credit not terrible, not terrible at all. Let's face it - the majority of us started sourcing our first candidates with similar strings ain't we? :) At this point, I was already having a nice flow, and the best thing was - it understood the context. I could follow up on my previous questions and we were having a dialogue, I guess..?

Even when I'm summarizing all of this in an article - it's still strange - it's not a person talking with you. And yet it can keep up with a conversation, give you comprehensible answers and even help you with your tasks. Since we already have a string to find candidates, how we can get them?

I debated with myself - whether to provide some useless facts and see how it can handle that or go legit. After some thought I've put one fact - monolith architecture - which I know is hated by devs. To my surprise, it was handled really well and even managed to make it somewhat positive.

I can already sense your scepticism! Remember - I've tinkered with this tool, for maybe an hour or so and got decent results. But these chat models are created to learn. So if you spend some time training it with the information you need it can quickly get gradually better.

It was really fun to test it out, even if that's a couple of easy ones. But it just makes you wonder what can be achieved next.

Oh, that's right - don't worry our jobs are safe! For now at least...

P.S. this text was not generated by the OpenAI platform, if you're wondering :)